Revisiting Pizza Favorites

One final teaser before we start our official Saturday Lunch posts…

Back in the 80s we frequented four pizza shops: Aiello’s Pizza, Mineo’s Pizza House, and Napoli Pizzeria, all in Squirrel Hill, and Vincent’s Pizza Park in North Braddock. The Vinnie Pie was HUGE, feeding us for days. Remember the never-ending Parkway East construction in the 80s? It made getting to Vincent’s nearly impossible, so Aiello’s, Mineo’s, and Napoli were our staples.

A couple of months ago we decided to revisit the Squirrel Hill pizza favorites from our college days. One Saturday lunch, we picked up a large cheese pizza from each of the Squirrel Hill shops for a blind test test. (Full disclosure – one of us now follows a gluten-free diet and only sampled the sauce and cheese from the pies.)

The results of our taste test? We will reveal those in a future post.