The inspiration…

We had a blast exploring Pittsburgh’s restaurants, neighborhoods, and events on Saturdays in the 80s. Casual favorites included the Dingbats for fried zucchini sticks, Hotlicks for ribs, the Gazebo for cheesecake, Primanti’s in the Strip for late-night sandwiches, the O for hot dogs and (the world’s best) fries, and Atomic Donuts to buffer the beer from the Wooden Keg. Special occasions took us to The Carlton, The Hyeholde, and Christopher’s on Mt. Washington. We moved to Michigan in the late 80s, but we always knew we’d return to Pittsburgh.

Fast forward to 2018. Our youngest child left for college and new jobs allowed us to move back to Pittsburgh. We downsized and moved to a condo. Our weekends were no longer spent doing yard work or cheering for our children at high school sports events. All of this left us with time revisit our 80s tradition of exploring Pittsburgh.

We’re chronicling our adventures through this blog. We call it “Saturday Lunch: Empty Nester’s Guide to Saturday Lunch.” Why lunch? It simply fits our schedule. (And, one of us thinks that lunch is the best meal of the day, and the sandwich is pinnacle of cuisine.) Most of the meals in the blog are–naturally enough–lunches on Saturday. But, from time-to-time we’ll talk about “real” meals, like dinners and different Pittsburgh events (we’re looking at you, Three Rivers Arts Festival). We invite you to follow us as we spend Saturdays out and about on the town.